God, You love me, even though… You love me even though You knew I would sin. You love me even though.
God, You love me, even though… You love me even though You knew I would sin. You love me even though You knew I would do wrong things. You love me even though You knew that I would put things before You. You love me even though You knew I would do things to put a barrier between us.
You love me even though. You love me even though I’ve done what I’ve done and even though I am what I am. You love me even though I don’t always get it right and I do make mistakes.
You sent Your Son to die on a cross to bear my sins and my burdens, even though I would never even be able to fully comprehend Your love in doing that. You offered me the best gift, even though there was a risk that I just might not accept it. And for those out there who still haven’t accepted the wonderful gift of salvation, God You would have never not offered it even though there was a possibility that they would never accept it.
So God I thank You that you are such a wonderful, gracious, merciful God that loves me even though You know everything about me. I thank You that You are a God that loves in the “even thoughs” of my life.