Psalm 124:2 What if the LORD had not been on our side when people attacked us?
I will admit, I went off on a bit of a tangent with this verse in my quiet time, but it just brought all these different thoughts to mind. I started thinking about how my life really wouldn’t be my life if God hadn’t been by my side. All the things that I do or don’t do have made me better, simply because of God at my side. So, that led to even further thinking.
A lot of times I think it’s easy to think to ourselves that Jesus was perfect so life on earth would have been easier for Him than it is for us. But, He left a perfect place, to dwell on earth amongst imperfection. That doesn’t seem very easy. We don’t like going anywhere when things aren’t organized. The show starts late. The wedding is behind. Time is ticking, it’s just not… perfect. And we hate that. Yet, Jesus dealt with our imperfection.
It’s easy to say, well shouldn’t Jesus have been able to live a perfect life? Jesus is God and God is perfect, so yeah He came and lived a perfect life in an imperfect world, that should be possible. But why would He do that? Love.
God is Love. And God didn’t have to leave Heaven to be on earth. He chose to. And where there is love, there is a choice. That’s why it matters so much to have a God that chooses to be present. Because when He chooses to be there, He is choosing love.
Love provides a choice. God chose to love, because God is Love. He chose imperfect people to display His perfect love to. I should hope we would do the same.
But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. – 1 John 4:8