It would be great if people joined a church and were saved. But unfortunately people have mixed up the two. People think that because a person joined the church they must be saved. As much as we might want that to be the case, it’s really not.
What’s one of the first things people say? Oh, yeah, he’s a big Christian, he goes to church and all. OK? What does that mean? Who is he outside of the church? There was a time when that meant something, but sadly, it’s meaning has been lost, and not only because of what churches have done, but because of what people do who say they’re in the church.
I think that believers need to invest time in letting unbelievers or new believers know that there is a difference. I’m not saying a person shouldn’t join the church. It’s very important to be a part of that body. But the Church is the real goal.
Joining a local church is you becoming a member of the church. Salvation is you becoming a member of God’s family. You become a member of the Church. You don’t want to miss out on the best part do you?
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