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But is it Kingdom Work?

Lately, I’ve had to ask myself this question, “Is it kingdom work?” I’m at a crossroad between what I went to school for and what I actually have time for. I went to school for TV/Cinema and as much as I enjoy TV, is it kingdom work?

And not only that, but of the majority of things I do, are they kingdom works? How is what I’m doing going to benefit the Kingdom of God?

If the answer to that is I don’t know, then I probably need not do whatever it is I’m doing. And if the answer is that it’s not any benefit, then it definitely doesn’t need to be a part of my life.

God gives us a bunch of things we can do to benefit His kingdom. Therefore, we really shouldn’t embark on anything that isn’t beneficial when He’s given us so much to be beneficial for Him.

I’ve read about the opportunity in Heaven to lay a crown at Jesus’ feet. From my understanding, there is a crown that is a reward in Heaven from work we’ve done on earth. I want that crown. In order to get it, I’ve been working on ridding myself of the mindset that I have to give something up to be with God. No, I’m giving Him what is rightfully His—me.

Daily I’m wondering, am I going to be the one who’s just happy to have made it into Heaven? Eternity with God is already mine through salvation. Am I really going to not do kingdom work and show up to Eternity empty-handed?

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