Work Hard, Honor God
Ephesians 6:7
It was the first week of school and Brandon was excited about his new school year. They already had their first test scheduled for Friday. While his friends decided to talk during their free time in class, Brandon decided he would spend his working on practice problems for the test. His friends didn’t understand why he was working so hard, but Brandon had a bigger goal in mind.
Test day came and Brandon made an A on his test. When he got home that day, he looked at the scripture he had memorized over the summer. It was Ephesians 6:7, “Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”
You may not have a job, but right now school is your work. It may not seem important to work hard at it, but it is. God’s word commands us as His children to work hard in order to bring Him glory. It’s a new school year. For some of you, that might mean new friends, new classes, and even better, new opportunities to honor God. Work hard, not just for your teachers, not just for yourself, but for God. This year, honor God and have fun. After all, honoring God is fun.