He gave me
Something no one ever had
The key…
Now what do I do?
It’s officially official
When he gives that to you.
I knew we were serious
But the reality of it
Now makes me kind of delirious
Only one guy
That, I can’t say I’ve ever had
Never have I had just one apple of my eye…
Yet here I am
With his key
In my hand…
So now if this thing ends
It won’t be because he didn’t try his best to blend
It will likely be on my end.
See, his line in the sand
Was drawn behind mine on purpose
Because wherever I was, he wanted to be, hand in hand.
So if it doesn’t work
It won’t be because he didn’t try
He just tried with a jerk.
So what I’m going to do
Is stick to this relationship like glue
I will not be like I used to…
This key is not just for some door
Giving me a door would be way to easy
So he took the hard road and gave me much more.
This is his invitation to home
And I’m not just talking about a building of his own.
He has welcomed me into his dome.
The castle of his mind.
The palace of his heart.
These are the places he wants us intertwined.
So with my all, I accept this key.
I even accept all that is new to me.
For it is with this key
That he has just unlocked all of me.