The boyfriend has it the best!!! He can do no wrong, and every good deed he does is golden 🙂
The husband, on the other hand, can hardly get it right! Any good deed he does is suspect. I mean, what is he getting at being so nice?
It’s a paradox with us ladies, how we trip over the little things our boyfriends do for us, reminiscing on them for days on end, and thinking how he’s such a keeper. Marry the man, and though he does the same things and more, you might hardly notice. Why?
I mean, a boyfriend gives you flowers, and you’re glowing. A husband provides lighting for your home, but he gets no praise. Husbands have it hard.
Maybe it’s just me, but I suspect it’s not. Maybe it’s because when we’re single and dating, we’re easy to please and find it easy to love. …
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