4) Gain (personal gain) – Read Genesis 11:4-6 and 1 Samuel 15:12
* I believe a goal can have eternal value and result in personal gain, but not that a motive of personal gain can result in eternal value.
* God created us to be great, but He created us to be great for His glory and honor, not our own.
5) Excuses – Exodus 3:11-14, 4:10-15
* There is not an excuse good enough for not doing what God called you to do.
* Is anything truly stopping you from your calling or just inconvenient for you?
* God nearly bent over backwards accommodating Moses for a task He had already chosen him for.
Question: Are we asking God to move mountains and pebbles too?
6) Troubles – Genesis 50:20
* God always has a perfect plan.
* Joseph dreamt he would be great. If he gave up every time he experienced trouble he might have missed out on seeing how greatly God can turn a situation around.
* Troubles aren’t excuses because we should expect them regardless.
The Main point to Remember: Jesus beat all the odds.
He never feared what God had already put into place. He didn’t let others’ opinions stop Him, not even family. The Pharisees reaction was that He was powerful because Satan empowered him (Matthew 12:24). Jesus had no desire for personal gain (John 10:18; 1 John 3:16). He didn’t use being human as an excuse to not do God’s work, and He experienced more troubles than we could imagine.
The Main Question: How do I truly produce something everlasting?
Stay connected to Jesus, the Vine (John 15:5 Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit…). Stay connected through study, through prayer, through worship, etc. Stay connected simply by depending on God to meet your needs as you do His will.
Everlasting Gobstopper Video
We were once poor and deprived without Christ. Then we got a taste. And we saw how good He is (Psalm 34:8). And with that taste, we wanted more and more. And the beauty in wanting more of God is that He will always have more. God never loses power by our request. He never grows weary when we need His strengthening. No matter how much I need to pull from God, He never lacks.
He never shrinks, He never depletes, and He never loses flavor.
God is truly our Everlasting Gobstopper and the only way to everlasting success is to remember to stay connected to Him so we can forget about the rest.
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