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That’s the best advice I can give to you and the best I can give to myself right now. Well, for me, that’s usually most of the time. Pause.

It probably doesn’t have to be done right now. Pause. You’re OK. Just, pause.

God spoke the universe into existence. You can pause and take that in. He can accomplish whatever it is without you stressing yourself out to assist. Pause. Inhale, exhale. Pause.

It was said best in Psalm 46:10-11

10 “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”

11 The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress. Interlude

Be still. Pause. God is God. Be still and rest in that. Do you know Him? Do you know that at salvation the Holy Spirit came to live within you?

The Lord is among you. So you can, pause.

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