Sometimes we want things with all the sincerity in the world. I truly believe that. I want to make more money so I can give more. I want to be encouraged so I can encourage others. I want to be better so I can be a blessing. We want to be good for others, we want to be good for God’s Kingdom, and we want to be good a little bit for ourselves too. But sometimes, as time goes by we miss the point of making God’s work first all the time.
Kingdom work is first and foremost. It is supposed to be that way. And every now and then I know I get too caught up in wanting for others or myself that I get sidetracked. Somehow, Kingdom work gets put on the back burner in the midst of all the work I’m doing. The very thing that I should be working for I stop working on. And that very thing is what makes everything else work at all.
Kingdom work has a wonderful trickle down effect. If you’re doing work for God you can’t help but bless others. You can’t miss a blessing when you’re working for God. And oftentimes we battle with whether we have enough strength to do all that it takes and forget it’s never about us being strong enough. Paul said it best. “When I am weak then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10) Proof that it has never and will never be about you having the strength to power through.
Kingdom work takes Kingdom strength. And as long as it stays in the forefront of all that we do, we’ll be only so amazed at how much strength we have to do those things in the background too.