Giving is living. Too cliché? Well, that’s the thing about clichés, often times they’re true.
Giving is living. I feel significantly better when I give. I can’t explain it. I think it’s just how God has wired us or me. I believe that He has strategically wired us to feel joy or love when we give.
Why do I love Christmas? It’s the season of giving. I love receiving gifts, please don’t get me wrong. Receiving gifts is one of my love languages. But as I’ve grown a little older and a little wiser, and a little more mature, I’ve realized that receiving pales in comparison to giving. The joy and shock I see on someone’s face when I surprise them with a gift is indescribable.
When I give food or a gift card to a homeless person, I can’t explain the peace I feel. I hate that there’s not maybe more I can do for them, but the fact that I am able to give something does something to my psyche. Giving is interesting, because the more I give, the more I want to keep on giving.
Thank you for the ability to give God. It’s a wonderful reminder of the love and kindness You showed to me. Can we focus not on making all this other stuff great again, but on keeping kindness great?
Proverbs 22:9 Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor.