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Writer's pictureChanel Moore

For Christ

That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong. – 2 Corinthians 12:10 NLT

This has been one of my favorite verses from Paul. I think most people who grew up in church know it. As I said to start the year off, I really need to slow down with the Scriptures that have been so familiar to me. It’s easy to brush past them because I know them.

I’m stuck on that word “pleasure” today. Paul said he takes pleasure in weakness and insults. Is it just me, or does pleasure not seem like it fits there? I could say I accept weakness and insults. Maybe I could say I understand them. But to take pleasure in them?

Pleasure is a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment. So Paul was happy about his weaknesses and insults? He found joy in hardships that he suffered? How is this possible? Doesn’t this seem crazy??? There are actually two keywords that make this make sense “for Christ.”

Paul teaches us that we can be more than just ok or simply accept when hardships come. He teaches us that we can actually have joy and happiness in weakness when it’s for Christ. That’s the key. We can not only endure but enjoy our weaknesses when they point people to Jesus.

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