Whether you're making resolutions for the new year or lifelong goals, having a blueprint for anything is always helpful. So for the month of January we're going to consider "5 Tips for Goal-Setting." There's no one way or one size fits all formula to goal-setting. Simply put, do what works for you. For me, these are the five things I consider when setting goals. Are my goals:
Intentional Realistic Healthy Helpful Accountable On a personal note, before we jump into these tips, I want to point out something that seems like a no brainer, but is actually easy to lose sight of. Set goals that you are responsible for achieving, not goals that you're shifting on others to do. This list can be used for couples, group, or business settings, but it's specific to individual goals. Sometimes we like to blame others when our goals aren't met, and a lot of times they're unaware that they were ever a part of the plan. If that's the case, let the person know they're involved in some of your goals and have a conversation about what that looks like for them. More on this topic of accountability specifically, will be discussed in the final tip. (1) Intentional goals will require effort. The intent of your goals depends on you. If you're going to make the effort, then the goal should be important. These goals are goals you're determined to accomplish. Intentional goals are purposeful and deliberate. They are goals that will serve a purpose and that are intentionally thought and processed through. You weigh the pros and cons of these goals and if the pros are worth it, then it's worth putting your time and energy towards. (2) Intentional goals have value. These goals should be worth something and should be useful to you or someone else. In the end, they should add value, not take it away. If you're going to sacrifice time, energy, maybe even finances, you want to make sure you're doing it for something that's valuable. To me, value is something that carries on longer than your life. Value is impact and influence.
(3) Intentional goals are goals that will be a wise use of your time. Any goal that you believe will be a waste of your time after weighing its pros and cons sounds like it won't have the ability to bring the value you want it to.
Goals are useful because they give us something to work towards. Some of them take us out of our comfort zone, and they also provide a sense of accomplishment when completed. Whether it's a resolution for the new year or a long-term goal, the point is to make sure whatever it is will be worthwhile. If you're unsure of its worth, then maybe it's time to revisit and revise your list.