Inspired by John 14:6
Are you saying I need help
How dare you
I’m saying without Me
You don’t know what’s true
Oh, so now I’m lost
Now I’m confused
And if I trust You
I have nothing to lose?
You are the Way
The Truth and the Life
But why do I need You
I stay away from strife
So I’m not good enough
That’s what You’re telling me
And I have to follow You
In order to be free
How do I know it will work
It sounds berserk
All I need is in You?
Believe in You is what I have to do
How do I know
You won’t let me down
I’ve been left before
Left to drown
Have faith
Trust Me
I’ll be with You
You’ll see
See Me
Not like mankind
Receive Me
Have peace of mind
I am the Way
So follow Me
You won’t get lost
If you let this be
I am the Truth
So believe
That knowing Me
Will you set you free
I am the Life
So live
Through Me
Truly live, eternally