Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
Be encouraged. What is a wonderful, almost perfect way to sum up the book of Genesis and the story of Joseph’s life is verse 20. It is one of the most well-known scriptures, and if you read the story of Joseph you will understand even more so what makes this verse so powerful.
A quick rundown is that Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery. Some awful things happen to Joseph, but through it all God is with him and eventually elevates him to second in command over all of Egypt. Read the story in Genesis to get the full picture because that summary pales in comparison to the full the story. However, maybe you get the picture of the hope in this verse.
Hopefully, this verse is encouraging in your life for something you’re facing or for someone you know who is going through the ringer. No matter what, God can turn it around. And even those who mean evil can witness God using it in your favor.
It’s nice to know that the evil intent of your enemies can be the hopeful expectation of what God is going to do for you. Think about it this way. As unfortunate as the pain is, God can use it. So when you think about it, what happens now is that you get to see God all the more in your situation. And when God turns it around, seeing those people will only remind you of how good God is.
From the Study this Book Devotional.