A woman rushes out of a house (not her house) to her car. On her car windshield, tucked under the wiper blade, is a handwritten note. What does it say?
Meet me at 1125 Cobb Way. I have a surprise for you! Be there at 2:00 pm sharp. We don’t want to be late!
This is the first of your anniversary surprises. Dress comfortable. I love you.
Your Not so Secret Admirer, Your Husband
P!S! Sorry it’s so sloppy!
This text message pops up on your phone. It’s from a friend telling you to meet her at the bar at 10:00 pm. AutoCorrect has changed some words. How does the text read?
Hey Channel. Meet me tonight at the bar at 10. In meeting a guy and I want you to meet him to.
I think he could bee the one, but I can’t tell. I need your help. Please come throw.
Write a note to be posted in your office bathroom.
Who are you living for?
Colossians 3:23 (NIV) Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,